Friday, April 17, 2009

Visitors, YAY!!!

It's always fun when peeps come see us. My sister Holly and her fam got to come stay with us for the Easter weekend. It was so fun to have them here, even though we got a noise complaint called on us from the "Mad Lady" that lives below us. HAHA Well, whenever someone comes to see us, then of course we need to take them to Kirtland. So we packed lunches for us and spent the whole day doing church history sites. It's always so cool to hear about the church history that happened right here, and be in the exact room where Heavenly Father and Jesus were. They also had a really cool bronze exhibit of all sorts of Christ sculptures set up at the visitor's center, which we had never seen. They were amazing!

Our nice little picnic in Kirtland. After we got done eating, Jeff and Had decided to have a contest who could throw a grape up the highest and catch it in their mouth. Well after some fat lips and sore teeth, it quickly evolved into other items of food being tossed in the air. Here's a pic of Had catching a sliced tomato from our sandwhich.... only he caught it with his face, not his mouth.

We also went swimming at the rec center down the road. It was fun for most peeps, just not Jete. We went during the time he is normally taking a nap, and he was struggling. Here he is being nerdy, trying to decide if he should be crying or laughing. This was right before i figured out he had pooped his little swim diaper. Yeah, that is pretty disgusting and hard to clean off.

My cute little nephews, Grey and Miles, enjoying the lazy river.

Jete LOVED being with his cousins. He followed them everywhere. When we would all load up in the cars to go somewhere, Jete thought he should ride with them and would just climb in their van and act like he was one of them. He cried every time we would pull him out and put him in our car. Poor little guy needs to be around all his cousins more. It was a sad day when they were leaving. He cried as we watched them drive away. I'm so glad that he at least gets to see some of his cousins every once in awhile. Thanks again for coming guys, we loved it!


It was fun to celebrate Easter this year with my sister and her family. We all decorated Easter cookies Saturday night. Here's some of our best creations, or the ones that didn't get eaten first. We even got Had and Jeff to decorate some....only cuz we told them they couldn't eat any unless they decorated it. Too bad I didn't get any pics of their wonderful masterpieces though, they were lookin good.

Here's everyone Easter Morning eating all their treats.
I don't know how many pictures I took over the weekend where I tried to get everyone to smile. Who knew candy would do the trick?

Jete was so happy when he got his Easter basket. I'm sure he couldn't figure out why we were just letting him eat candy like crazy, but he didn't want to try and find out. He shoved in the candy as fast as he could.

We had a little Easter egg hunt for all the kids. Jete was pretty funny. He ran and got the first egg he saw, shook it, and said, "CANDY!" (Although it sounds more like NANNY!) He opened the egg and dumped it out on the rocks where he could see each piece, then picked them up one by one, eating them off the ground. After he found each egg, he wanted the candy out of them immediately!

Here's all the little tikes showing off their loot....notice Jeter is still looking for more of his candy on the ground.