The last couple weeks have been so much fun!!! Hadley had 3 weeks of finals, and took his last one on the 15th. So he completed his first year of podiatry school, yay! (He did amazing too, i might add. I'm so proud of him.) My sister Angie, and her husband Josh and 3 of their kids came out to visit that same day. We have been playin like crazy ever since. They got to stay for about 5 days, and it was so much fun to have them here. We wished they could have stayed longer. It went by way too fast. We didn't take very many pictures while they were here, cuz we were constantly going or playing, but i managed to get a few. We went to Cedar Point with them, and rode the rides till basically all of us were sick. Poor Josh was sick from the start, so it couldn't have been very fun for him, but all the rest of us had a good time. Dax and Toj are twins, and they wanted to go on every ride. They were sad when we told them we were going to leave. They kept saying, c'mon, just one more ride, plleeaaase! And poor little Javin, he is 4 years old, and was too short to ride most of the rides that we rode. We snuck him on one ride though (actually they just never checked), and he was so excited he got to ride with us. When the worker came around to see if we were strapped in, he sat up real tall "so they would think he was bigga," as he explains it.
Here's Josh and Had. They were too pooped, and had to take a little nap as Ang took her kids on some of the little tike rides in Planet Snoopy.
We also got to go to Kirtland with them. We had a little picnic there, then took a tour with a longwinded missionary, then headed over to the John Johnson farm. This is where Joseph Smith was ripped out of his bed and then tarred and feathered. The day after he was tarred and feathered, he came back and preached from this front step. This is one of the places that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. It was amazing to be standing in the same room as they were, feeling the Spirit so strongly. So cool!
We had so much fun going everywhere with them, playing games until we forced ourselves to go to bed, laughing, eating, and just hanging out with them. Thanks for coming guys, and thanks again for everything. We love ya!!!