We definitely hated being away from him, but we did manage to have some fun too. :) I was terrible at taking pictures while we were home, so here are just a few random ones that don't even come close to depicting our month in the good ol' west. And oh, how I love the west!
Jete's teachin Jerzi how to play games on Linz's itouch. What a good big brother.
Some of my sisters were able to come visit while I was there, and we had a fun weekend together. Here we are right before we got busted from the security guy. He told us we couldn't take pictures in the mall, and after we told him we were doing a scavenger hunt, he told us we couldn't do that in there either. Who knew? HAHA We didn't want that to ruin our fun, so we went ahead and did it anyways. We just had to be sneaky about it and make sure to hide from all "securidads". Good times.
Grandpa Pocock with Jerzi and her cousin Deegan
Jete and Cole, his twin separated at birth, got to play together a few times. They're only a couple weeks apart and they really do act just like each other, right down to them shaking their little booty as they eat. Don't ask me what Jete is doing in this picture. I tell them to say cheese and Cole smiles, Kallie busts out a pose, and Jete does that. haha
Little Miss Jerzi Girl started eating solids while we were there! I wanted to wait until we got back so Had could be there, but I couldn't handle her getting up every two hours in the night, especially since Jete was also waking up a few times each night too. I was exhausted pretty much the whole month.
Getting ready for church (mainly i just like the outfit) :)
We got to spend a lot of time with family. My sister came over from Boise and stayed with us for a week so her little girl Saylor and Jeter got to play a lot together, and cause a lot of mischief. Sorry about all the mini beads that will never come out of your carpet Mom. Just think, now it shimmers. :) We also went and stayed with one of my sisters and her family in Utah. Jete loves his "new friends" or cousins as some peeps call them, and can't stop talking about them. It was fun to just chill for a week with them. We visited a lot with Had's family too. I think both kids loved being in Idaho cuz there was always someone there to entertain them. It was a pretty good trip, then Had made it even better by surprising us and coming home a day early. We stayed there for another week with him, then made the long drive back to Cleveland.
We made it back to Cleveland in about 4 days, and the day after we got home, it was sunny and warm. Then I won that one award, Mom of the Year..........