March was a stressful, crazy, and exciting month! Had took his second part boards, the match came out (if we match, it tells us where we will be going for residency for the next 3 years), and also found out the results of his boards. He came home from taking the big test, and felt very nervous and afraid. The results finally came back:
The night before the match came out: very little sleep, and a few bad dreams.
Morning the match came out: lots of nervousness, excitement, and ignoring our kids.
The match was finally posted, we clicked the link: slight fear (there was nothing that says we matched anywhere!) Then we saw another link to click on. The results:
MATCHED Residency Program:
Sooo excited to be going to Houston for the next 3 years!!! Well, I am anyway. Hadley doesn't know anything about the program except that it is "supposed to be good". We're banking on that. I'll take sunshine over rain and snow any day! I am so proud of Had!!! He has done so awesome throughout the last 4 years of school. I know that he's gonna be awesome wherever we're at. I am so grateful for him and all the hard work he has put into this. I can't even explain it. He is pretty much amazing.
Well, if we're gonna live in Texas....
the kids gotta have some boots!
After that crazy month, we needed a little fun and laughter. Me and Jete checked out an April Fool's book at the library. It was a cute little book about kids playing pranks on each other at school. So we decided we wanted to play pranks on Daddy. We talked about them and planned a few good ones for him.
When April 1st came, Jeter was sitting up to the table when Had came home from school. He looks up at him and says "Hi Daddy." Then adds nonchalantly, "Hey your shoe is untied."
Had looks down and says "No, I don't think so Jete."
Jete says matter of factly, without one hint of a smile, "Yeah look, your shoe is untied."
Had looks down again, lifts up one pant leg, then the other, and says, "Jete no sir, look. What are you talking about?"
Jete cheeses it at him and yells, "Gotcha! April Fools!!!"
It was pretty good acting for a 3 year old, I must say. Had couldn't stop laughing. There were a couple other tricks that Jete did too, but mainly it was fun to see him get so excited to trick Daddy, and Daddy get nervous waiting for the next trick.
I also played a trick...on everybody.
Had went upstairs to take a nap. The kids actually kept themselves busy for once in their lives, so it was the perfect opportunity to make dinner AND dessert.
DINNER= Mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken nuggets, and veggies
DRINK= Crystal Light
DESSERT= Cupcakes
Or so it seems.....
Mashed potatoes= vanilla ice cream
Gravy= caramel sauce
Peas and carrots= orange and green tootsie rolls
Nuggets= some sort of pineapple apple crisp stuff
Crystal Light= water with food coloring in it
Cupcakes= meatloaf with mashed potatoes on top

Had was suspicious that I was doing some sort of prank for dinner. So when I put his dinner plate in front of him, he just went along with it for the kids. Then he leans over and whispers to me, "I'm so confused. I swear I smelled real food cooking." I just laughed.
Then when they got done eating their "dinner" (which Jete absoloutely LOVED), I brought out the cupcakes. Had looked even more confused, and Jete looked like he had died and gone to heaven. Had started eating one and figured it out fast. Jete took a big bite and looked disgusted. Good ol Jerzi girl just kept eating everything that was put in front of her. HAHA
The real prank for Had was the crystal light. We already had some real crystal light made in a pitcher in the fridge. So I poured that out, and filled the pitcher with water. I used food coloring to match it to the same color as the real stuff. Oh man it was funny to watch him take a drink. Turns out I kinda like April Fool's Day.