Monday, June 7, 2010

A Few Recommendations for Happiness

This past week i have learned (or relearned) a few things that make me happy and thought that i should share them with you all.

1)Take away all the toys and play with your kids. Now that we're in New York, without hardly any toys or anything to do, both Jeter and Jerzi's personalities are coming out more and more. I can't believe how Jete's imagination just started growing like crazy. I am loving playing with these two and seeing what new things they do each day.

2)Lindt Lindor Truffles. Oh man, these are freaking good!

3)Go out for a run, preferably in the rain. It makes you feel amazing!

4)If you want your baby to sleep through the night, let them cry it out. If you think you're too tired and that it will be easier to just hurry and get up, feed her, and go back to sleep, I promise, it will be worth it in a few days when you get a full night sleep without waking up once. Yay for sleeping through the night again, finally!

5)If your 2 year old asks you for something to eat, don't ignore him. He'll find a way to get it without your help.

Exhibit A:

6)Four people living in a one bedroom apartment is not going to kill you, like i once thought.
(But i wouldn't recommend it.)

7)Plan a vacation. Even if it's not gonna happen for awhile, it will still put a smile on your face.


  1. Yay and totally agree with all the things you said. I am so glad to see you guys doing good, Jerzi is getting huge fast! Maybe I will take your recommendation and go for a run, I have had enough of the rain though. Bring on the sunshine!

  2. Man Cin- I totally agree with everything you said. It's fun to see pics of your fam. I can't believe how big jerzi is getting.

  3. Cin-Is that big orange thing cheese? Did you know Im coming to see you in like 2.5 months!?

  4. Cin, sorry I dumped all my stinkin moving troubs on you when you called the other day. That's the kind of phone call you want to be done with and quick. I hope it will work out so that we can see you guys. We still have no idea what we're doing. Awesome life.

  5. I love what you said!! You have to tell me how you get your pictures to look the way they do! Your kids are stinking cute! Glad you are doing good.

  6. Hi Cindy,
    Liked your post and especially loved the picture of the cheese - so true. One morning, I woke up to seeing a whole loaf of bread and a big bread knife right before my eyes. Kinley was hungry. I also like the running in the rain one, until I realize I have been running in the rain for months now and want to have a break. Also like the plan a vacation -- good idea. Why are you in New York?

  7. Fun post Cin. Jerzi is getting so big and so dang cute. I wish you guys were coming to Fuller Fest. Mabes you guys should just come any ways :) And this post didn't really sound like you wrote it, which mabes that sounds weird but it didn't sound like how you talk :) ANy ways, I like it, so thanks.

  8. We would love to see you guys. We're going to be here for awhile though. Middle of July

  9. CINDY!
    how fun i can now blog stock you :) your family is too adorable!

  10. Are you guys still in New York? We are only like 2 1/2 hours should come see us!
