Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Jeter's Blessing

Because we were moving so soon after Jeter was born, we wanted to hurry and bless him in Rexburg before we moved, so our families could be there for it.  So on August 5th, we gave him a blessing in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I was so nervous that he would cry or scream during the blessing, I prayed to have help keeping him calm.  Well, Hadley gave him a beautiful blessing and Jeter was fabulous throughout the whole meeting, including the blessing.  But as soon as the meeting got over, he did what babies do best.  He had a major blowout all over his cute little blessing outfit!  It was one of those that was so disgusting and everywhere, that you just sit there for awhile and stare, cuz you're not even sure where to start.  Plus, the outfit was a once piecer, so it had to come up off over his head.  Yeah, disgusting.  

(I figured out when I went to change him why it was everywhere....Hadley's grandma came over right before we left for church, and she had changed his diaper for me.  Turns out she did a bad job getting it all nice and snug.   Lesson learned!)
You can kinda see that yellowish stuff in his pant leg on the bottom right corner.  Yep, that's poop.  The whole back of the outfit was that color.

So we had to change him right when we got home, and got no pictures in his blessing clothes, except for that one above.  This was after we got him all nice and cleaned up.

Dress up day! 
 I still wanted to get at least some sort of pictures in his outfit so a couple days later, here he is.

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