Friday, February 5, 2010

Christmas Vacation: Part 3, Brayden's Wedding

Hadley's brother got married while we were home. We were lucky to be able to attend the wedding. (Funny story: Had almost didn't make it into his brother's wedding because something was wrong with his temple recommend. The funny part, I almost didn't make it into my brother's wedding a year and a half ago because an issue with my recommend. Yikes!) Anyways, we're excited to get to know Diana and have her be in our family now!

The Happy/Excited couple

Grandpa Pocock and Jeter, looking bored before it even started. :)

The cute kidlets stopped runnin to pose for a picture.

These two were so funny to watch. Both of them were acting like they owned the place. I love the one of them dancing. They're only 2 years old and they acted like they know more about dancing than i do. Ok, lets be honest, they probably do.

My super cute sister in-law and super cute baby.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics Cin. Melissa and Kenz look lots alike in those pics. Crazy cuz I never have really noticed before. Both super cute.
