It will be an even greater day when Jerzi understands it all.
These bad boys consumed all of my time for a good half of the month. We have to make our Christmas presents for my side of the family, and so I got this dumb/cute idea from pinterest, and my sisters, to make wreaths for the back of the chairs in my parents dining room.
They were really easy to make, but took soooo long (mainly the red ones). I made 3 red ones, and 3 red and white ones. The red ones are made out of tissue paper, and the red and white ones are out of yarn. These are just on the chairs in my kitchen. I wanted to see what they would look like before I shipped them off to my parents.
I bought this sweet kit to make a gingerbread house. It came with the gingerbread, frosting, candy and tray. Super sweet right? So we start decorating it....
The finished product....
kind of
We didn't have everything quite on it yet, but it was starting to slide, so we snapped a picture.
Right after the above picture was taken.
Yeah, super sweet gingerbread kit.
So they have a really sweet subdivision here that has it in their HOA that they have to put up Christmas lights. So the day before Christmas Eve, we all got in our pajamas and went and picked up a little KFC and found a nice little spot to park. We all climbed into the back of our car, into the mounds of blankets we layed back there, and ate some yummy dinner. Then we drove through the neighborhoods with the kids up on our laps (shh, don't tell) so they could see all of the Christmas lights too. It was so awesome! Lights everywhere! I didn't even think about getting pictures of it though. Maybe next year.

I did a really bad job taking pics Christmas morning, but I couldn't help it. I was so excited to watch every present everyone opened, that I kind of just forgot. Santa left this cute little rocking horse unwrapped though, and the kids LOVED it. They were so excited!
Jeter wanted to open every present under the tree, and Jerzi opened a few of hers, and then she said she's done. She didn't want anymore. And so she left to go play with the ones she had already opened. Lucky for Jete, he got to open the rest of hers, so they were both happy.