He seemed to get it, and I didn't think anything of it.
When we said it was time to open presents, he said, "No! Those aren't mine. It's not my birthday yet."
Woopsies. I guess I did too much explaining. HAHA We finally convinced him that they were his and he gets to open them, and then he LOVED it and thought it was the greatest day ever.
Grandpa and Grandma Fuller gave him some fun little birthday presents that he could play with on the plane ride home. So his birthday lasted a long time.
Well, we got back from Texas, and the next morning was his actual birthday. He didn't seem very excited. So I tried to help out the situation by telling him he gets a special birthday breakfast where I would make him anything he wants. He chose pancakes. But not just any pancakes.
Dirt bike pancakes.
What in the? How in the?
Sweet Jete. Sweet request. I had no idea what to do. But I wanted him to feel special, so I tried my hardest. (By the way, Jerzi requested a helmet. Awesome.)
I let him pick out what kind of cake he wanted me to make.
Here it is in all its glory.....
A bowling cake!
I figured we can just have a little bowling themed birthday, and go bowling as a family. Cute right?
Well....that's not quite how the story went. We didn't have any eggs when I went to make the cake, so instead of going to the store, then making a cake, we decided to just stay and hang out together, and play with Jete's new presents for the rest of the night, and I would make his cake the next day. It was really fun, and we loved being back together as a family.
However, when we asked Jete how old he was, he responded,
"I'm still three."
"No, Jete, you're four now remember, today is your birthday."
"No I'm still three!" he said getting ticked, with tears starting to form in his eyes.
"Jete, you turned four today, why do you keep saying you're still three?"
"Cuz I don't have a birthday cake to make me turn four."
Oh man, we did bad. It made me so sad.
But eventually the cake got made, and he loved his bowling cake. (Had on the other hand couldn't figure out why I agreed to Jete's request for a bowling cake. He said I should have helped change his mind.) And now Jeter is finally four!
Now I want to hurry and write a few things about my little Jeter boy that I want to remember. Feel free to ignore all this.
-Jeter is a sweet little boy, most of the time. Sometimes he says to me, "Mom, I'm trying to be good so you'll be happy."
-His favorite game to play is "Beat Jete"
-He observes things very intently, and pays attention to the littlest details.
-He loves people. When we were in Idaho, he told me a few times, "Mom, I just love everybody here." Then he went on to name everyone that we had visited.
-He loves to "work". He informed me that he doesn't like my kind of work though (referring to cleaning), only Daddy's (referring to working with tools, and working outside).
-He loves four wheelers, dirt bikes, motorcycles, and monster trucks. In fact, he's kind of obsessed with them.
-He is very competitive. Everything is a race. And if he's not gonna win the race, then "it wasn't really a race." Oh dear. I know.... it's our own faults. HAHA
-His favorite movies are Bolt and Sandlot.
Jeter has been so much fun to have in our family. He's always wild and crazy, and every day he says something or does something that cracks us up. We love him so much.