I have been somewhat of a blog slacker lately, and so this is gonna be a little bit about what we have been up to. During Had's finals, me and Jete went home to Idaho for 2 weeks. We loved being there and seeing everyone. Had's younger brother Brayden got home from his mission, and we got to be there to hear his report. While we were home, we went to everyone's everything's. It was so much fun. We got to watch my mom's choir concert, Maycee's dance recital and kindergarten program, Ashton's soccer game, Linzfizz's basketball game, Kenzie's softball games, and help Bird get ready for prom. We rode four-wheelers and Harleys, talked till all hours of the night, took naps, and hung out with everyone. I love being home, breathing fresh non-smoke filled air, and letting Jete go wild at the Grandparents house and not having to worry about the "Mad Lady" getting mad that lives below us. The only thing that would have made our trip better was to have Had there enjoying it all with us. But he kicked some major booty on his tests so i guess it was worth it.
When i got back from Idaho, Had had a week off of school and he was supposed to be studying for his boards, but we had to take advantage of our time together, so he didn't get much studyin done. Oopsies.
At the zoo

We do a lot of this...he loves basketball! Who can blame him right? (In case you didn't know, I miss it like crazy! My scary basketball dreams have started coming back, where i'm late and miss my game, or i can't find my shoes, or i can't make a basket. Only 4 more months until my league starts up again. Wahoo!)

I'm beginning to love dandelions. This is the first one that was ever picked for me by my sweet little Jete.
Pullin it out of his pocket to give to me, aww what a sweet boy!

I love you Jeter!

Taking advantage of the warm nights, sitting around a fire, cookin smores, and roastin hot dogs.