Thursday, May 31, 2012


Jeter wanted to try playing soccer this spring, so we signed him up.  We thought it would be a good fit, cuz he would get to run a ton, but still get to play with a ball.  He was super excited!  Well, I took him to his first practice and he wouldn't play.  He stood by my side the entire practice, like a little scared puppy.  Then when they had a game, he wouldn't play.  He wouldn't even go on the field.   We threatened him with not playing with his friends, not watching tv or playing wii, and we bribed him with bey blades, and ice cream. Nothing work. He didn't care about any of it.  He said he didn't want people watching him.  
Had was embarassed and Jete wanted to go sit in the car, so we all left after like the first quarter.  He basically acted the same the next week.  Then all the sudden he decided he was gonna play, and he made two goals in his first game that he played in.  He loved it.  He never acted afraid of people watching him the rest of the season. 

Going to his games at 1:00 in the afternoon when it's 90 degrees outside and sitting there watching him was hot enough.  I can't imagine running around in it full speed like Jete was.  His face would always be bright red after his games.  Random people would say to us, "Get that boy some water!" or "Man, he must have played hard."

He did play hard. 
 He always kept score in his head, even though they don't keep score at this age.  He would run past us on the sidelines and keep us informed what the score was every time someone made a goal.  He loved making goals.  He went through a little stretch where he was more concerned with blocking goals than making goals.  Every time the other team got the ball, he would sprint down to the other end of the field so he could block them.  Then after the game he would come and say "Mom, did you see me? I blocked 3 goals!"  Here he is sprinting down so he can block a goal.

Jerzi was there for all of Jete's games.  She only threw a few tantrums during the whole season, which is pretty good for her. This particular day happened to be one of them.  I knew it was gonna be bad from the start because she had already thrown a fit before we got to the game because she wanted to wear one of Jete's sweatshirts.  I finally gave in.  And of course, she threw a fit at the game, probably because she was so hot.  She started yelling, screaming, and hitting me, so I hurried and grabbed her and hauled her off away from everybody, or so I thought.  I was not happy with her at all.  I finally got her to quit screaming at least, and I'm trying to refrain myself from spanking her, when all the sudden this old guy walks up and says, "Holy cow, she is the prettiest little girl.  She's just beautiful.  How precious!"
Those were not anywhere close to my thoughts at that moment, but it made me stop and think.
She is precious, and even though I can't hardly take her sometimes, she is still precious, and I need to remember that. 

Here's Jete's soccer team, minus 4 players.
From left to right: Christian, Natalie, Jete, Coach Andy, Kelly, Christian, Reese, and Obi
Not pictured: Leland, Christian, Gabby, and someone else I can't remember

Their practices were pretty entertaing also.  Their coach had them stretch out, do high knees, butt kicks, and wind sprints at the first of every practice.  They are 4 years old mind you.  And yet, they never scrimmaged once. But they still liked their practices, so that's all that matters... I guess.  At their end of the season party at Chuck E Cheese, his coach gave him the award of being the Best All Around Player.  Jete's favorite part of the whole season was when he scored 3 goals in his last game. 
We love watching him play sports!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this. What a good story. I liked the story about Jerzi too. The picture of her wearing a sweatshirt is priceless, since you said how hot it is.

    Fun memories -- better watch out for your kids, they are going to conquer.
