Saturday, February 22, 2014

Big brother, Big sister

Jeter and Jerzi were pretty excited for me to have the baby.  But they really had no idea what it was going to be like to have one actually in our home.  I thought they were going to love him to death, maul him like crazy, and smother him with kisses.

Instead, they would come and look at him, then run away fast.
I asked them to come and hold him, and they kept saying no.  
They didn't dare to kiss him either.
It made me kinda sad that they weren't just totally in love with him. I tried and tried to get them excited about him and want to be around him. but they only wanted to look at him from a distance.
Then we finally got them to hold him when Dash was one and a half weeks old.  There may have been some bribing involved.

They were both pretty proud that they were actually holding him.
Jeter's 1st time holding Dash

Jerzi's 1st time holding Dash

Now they're both totally obsessed! 
They fight over who gets to sit by him in the car, or who his bouncer is the closest to when we're eating dinner.  They race in to get the best view when I change his diaper.  And they're smothering him with hugs and kisses nonstop.  
I'm super happy that they love him,
 but now I kinda wish they would love him from a distance again.

1 comment:

  1. I think my last comment got eaten by the computer gremlins. Anyway, congratulations on your sweet baby boy! I know what you mean about the big brother/big sister dilemma. Even now, I feel like I'm constantly telling the older two--just give him a hug and let him go, you don't have to tackle him!
