Monday, June 23, 2008

Opening Day

Our swimming pool finally opened! It was supposed to open on Memorial Day, but they didn't have it ready in time. We've been not so patiently waiting, since the weather here was so good around that time. Last week they finally opened it, only to have it rain the whole next week. Oh well i guess that's how it goes. The weather was good though the day it opened. The water was freezing cuz they barely filled the pool the day before, and Jete wasn't so sure about it, but now that the water's warmed up, he loves the pool. His favorite thing is for us to lay him on our hands, so that he's floating on his stomach, and he stretches his arms out and points to wherever he wants to go in the pool.

This was ice cold water. Had said we have to jump in. I told him ok, and that he could jump first so i could take the picture (fully intending on not ever really jumping), and then I got up some guts and actually jumped in, but we don't have any proof. Just know, i did it, and I'm not a wuss.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Flag Football CHAMPS

Who knew my flag football career wouldn't be over after i left the wonderful BYU-I? YEAH!!! Had's school put on a flag football tournament Saturday for a fundraiser, and i made sure Had signed us up. I was so excited to play again, i think i woke up about every hour the night before to make sure we hadn't slept in and missed our first game. We played 4 games, won our first 3 pretty easily, then we barely pulled out the W in the championship game, 13-12. It was so much fun. I love football!
Here's our championship team.

Here's Jete, watching intently from the stands, as quarterback Daddy passes to receiver Mommy for a touchdown.

The team strategizing on a time out

Had throwing a pass

Jeter was such a good boy through the whole tournament. He just played and watched and clapped for us. He got a little tired though a couple hours after his normal naptime and he finally zonked out during one game.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

How long can you survive?

I've always been a little worried that something could happen, where we will have to use our food storage. At home, i wasn't as worried, cuz both of our parents lived there too, and they have food storage. But living away from home and in a little apartment, I think about it more and more. I know that we're far off from what we should have, but i was pretty impressed that we could survive for this long. Living in an apartment, you don't get too much storage space. I can't wait for the day when i can have a 2 year supply, and a place for it! Hopefully nothing seriously happens before that day, cuz maybe 122 days won't cut it.

How Long Could You Survive Trapped In Your Own Home?
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Monday, June 2, 2008

During Had's break...

Had started school up again last week, for the summer semester. He had a week and a half off. It was so much fun to have him home with us all day. We went to parks, played softball, tennis, catch, frisbee golf, went on walks, watched a lot of Lakers, cooked big breakfasts, and took naps together. It was great! Jete loved to have him home too. He loves all the attention from both of us, and thinks that we should just be playing with him every second. If we are talking to each other, he crawls over to us and pulls himself up on our legs so that he can join in the conversation. He's getting funnier and funnier by the day. He fake laughs now, thanks to Had. (Had used to love to make his little sister Maycee fake laugh, now he's carryin it on to Jete.) Jete is getting so loud now, he loves to talk, and loves to talk loudly! He's constantly saying stuff, and it's so funny to listen to and watch. He gives all sorts of face expressions when he does it. I love him and Had so much, they make me happy every day! Here's a few pics I took over the break.(We didn't have very good weather the whole break, hence the snow hat.)

My cute boys!!!